Protect Business Data with PAM Solution: PassMan 4.0 is here!
Finally, PassMan has become a PAM solution!
Continuous development and hard work have paid off: PassMan 4.0 can now record user sessions too! This was the last missing feature required for PassMan to achieve the Privileged Access Management (PAM) classification.
The basic features of a PAM (Privileged Access Management) systems according to Gartner:
- Discover privileged accounts across multiple systems, infrastructure, and applications
- Manage authentication credentials for privileged accounts (store and rotate username/password pairs or SSH keys)
- Regulate access to privileged accounts using stored authentication credentials
- Create, manage, monitor, and record work sessions
PassMan Business Password Manager has been able to perform the first three features from the beginning.
We are proud to announce that PassMan’s feature set has reached the level of market leaders such as CyberArk, BeyondTrust, Delinea (formerly Thycotic).
What are the requirements for PAM classification?
Some comparisons mention that implementing PAM solutions requires significant IT support and potentially external expert support, as these products are complex to install (configure) and operate.
In designing PassMan, we aimed to enable quick implementation and straightforward use by everyone (not just IT experts), while also providing the most secure data storage possible.
We believe we have created an easy-to-use and reliable product and our customers can quickly implement it into their daily work.
Session recording was implemented with the integration of Apache Guacamole software. Guacamole is an open-source project that has been managed by the Apache community for over six years, with new versions and bug fixes continuously appearing.
What makes PassMan better than others?
Three main reasons to choose PassMan:
- PassMan can be integrated with Atlassian JIRA products.
- It offers tons of security features
- PassMan's prices are much more favorable.